Thursday, October 23, 2008

Football is Over :(

Well, another sport is done. Devin's Freshman football team played their last game tonight. What a fun season with great coaches and a great group of boys. They only lost 2 games and played every game with total heart.

Devin did so amazing! He was so fun to watch. He played on offense in the Y position. He did a lot of blocking, caught receptions and ran the ball sometimes. He was involved in quite a few trick plays where he even threw the ball to receivers. He threw several touchdown passes and two point conversions. Tonight he caught a pass for an almost touchdown, fumbled it on the 1" line and recovered it in the endzone. It was his first touchdown! Whoo Hoo Way to Go! He also was the kicker and punter. He kept very busy and loved every minute of it.

You're the Best!
We LOVE you!
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1 comment:

Angela said...

Way to go Dev! Sorry I didn't make it to any of your games. :*(

Hey, I wrote a post about family on my blog. Make sure you read it! Sure love you guys!